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Byung-Woo Yoo




Part:  유기화학

Call:  +82-44-860-1338




1977. - 1981. 고려대학교 화학과 학사 
1981. - 1983. 한국과학기술원 고분자화학과 석사 
1983. - 1984. 고려대학교 부설 자연자원연구소 연구원 
1984. - 1986. 삼화 페인트 공업(주) 연구원 
1987. - 1992. University of Pittsburgh 유기화학과 박사 
1992. - 1993. University of California Post Doc 
1993. - 1994. University of Houston Post Doc 
1994. - 1995. 삼성종합화학 연구소 선임연구원 


(1) A facile and efficient deoxygenation of amine-N-oxides with Mo(CO)6
Tetrahedron Lett. 47, (2006), 125.
(2) Mild and Efficient Deoxygenation of Amine-N-oxides with BiCl3/Indium
System. Synth. Commun. 39, (2009), 3550. 
(3) Mild and Efficient Debromination of vic-Dibromides to Alkenes with 
FeCl36H2O/Indium System. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 31, (2010), 2757.
(4) Rapid and Efficient Deoxygenation of Sulfoxides with NbCl(5)/NaI 
System. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 32, (2011), 2525.
(5) Facile and Efficient Method for the Debromination of vic-Dibromides 
to Alkenes with BiCl3/Ga System. Synth. Commun. 42, (2012), 1632.



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